Live Animals for Purchase

We offer the option to purchase a live animal to raise yourself!

Raising your own animal is perfect for the increasingly popular homesteader or those backyard ranchers, who want to experience raising a large animal. Experience the whole process with your family and instill the knowledge, hands on experience, and values of a rancher. We offer docile animals for purchase with their immunizations, who are weaned and started on dry grass. You decide which direction you want to take this project; raise for your own small scale breeding project or raise the animal for your own consumption.  Upon the purchase of the animal, we will include care instructions and recommendations.

Available for local pick up or local delivery.


Cow/Calf Pairs

You can purchase a cow and her calf if you are looking to start your own breeding project or keep a consistent supply of animals to process. The pairs come with a set of instructions to guide in raising your own cattle.


Steers, Heifers, & Finished Cattle

You can purchase any size or age animal from 400-1200 lbs. We also offer the option of buying a finished (ready to process) animal in order to workout processing yourself or we can get it processed for you. All of these animals come with a set of instructions to guide you in raising your own.


Calf Kit

You can purchase our Calf Kit. We will give you the information and tools to raise your own animal from just a baby. This kit consists of one calf from 50-200 lbs, a calf bottle, calf milk replacer, calf grain, as well as a feed and care plan to guide you in the right direction. 

In order to purchase our live animals contact us directly!

Helping you produce your own